
I work at ...


We are tailoring content specific to your business.

1) The Article Header Component

The above component is the Article Header. This is generally the topmost component that we can modify. We have to add the title and intro text in the configuration. We need 2 images here. One is the image that will show up in the header. The dimensions of the image should be 1260*700. And the other is the preview image, whose dimensions should be 640*640 px.


2) The Image Component

The above component is the image component. We can add title and description of the image here. We can also link the image to a different page. We have the option to change the height and width of the image. We have the option to centre fit the image on the page, place it 50/50 or full width.



Download component


    3) The Download Component

    This is the download component. Here, a pdf file has been uploaded. There is also an option to upload an image, which then appears on the component. 

    We have to add Title and Descroption. The button can be renamed.

    4) The Text & Image Component

    This is the dummy text and image component.

    The style of text can be modified.

    This is written in H1 style

    This is written in H2 style

    This is written in H3 style

    This is written in H4 style

    This is writen as blockquote

    We can also add bullets, like

    • first line
    • second line

    Another style of bulleting, ike

    1. first line
    2. second line

    Text can be left aligned

    Or centrally aligned

    Or right aligned

    Text can be made bold, italic and underlined.

    Video with "loop" , "autoplay" and "hide controls" enabled > youtube video (vimeo has same options)

    5) The Video Component

    The above component is the video component. Videos that are uploaded on youtube or vimeo can be played on the live site. 

    While configuring this component, we need to add the video id.

    There are options like Auto Play, Loop and Hide controls.

    Tips and Advice Dummy Title

    Tips and Advice Dummy Title

    Dummy Description

    6) The Tips and Advice Component

    The above component is the tips and advice component. We can add title and description here. The image is also uploaded from dam.


    7) Related Articles

    The above component is the Related Articles component. We can add the title and have to link the component to the different articles want to show up on the live site. 


8) Related Products

The above component is the Related Products component. We have to link this component to the products that we want to show up on the live site. 

Please enter a valid phone number and prefix country code (EG: +27821230000)
Type in your business name and select from the search results to automatically fill the address fields.

9) Activation Flexible Form

The above component is the Activation Flexible Form. There are numerous fields in this form. There are many mandatory fields too.

Once all the mndatory fields are filled, the user can click on the button, ehich is generally linked to another page.


10) Academy Quiz 

The above component is the Ativation Flexible Form. There are numerous fields in this form. There are many mandatory fields too.

Once all the mndatory fields are filled, the user can click on the button, ehich is generally linked to another page.
