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Cauliflower Puree:

  • Cauliflower 300.0 g
  • Cream 30.0 ml

Apples and Butternut:

Honey Glazed Parma Ham:

  • Ham, Parma 15.0 g
  • Honey 5.0 ml

Mange Tout:

  • Snow peas/ Mangetoutcut into diamonds 5.0 g

Succulent pork is achieved in this recipe, through the sous vide process and delicious sweet, sour Asian flavours cut through the richness of this dish.



  1. Pork:

    • Mix the Robertsons Barbeque Spice, Knorr Honey and Soy Sauce, Robertsons Rajah Medium and Cumin seeds together to form a marinade, and pour over pork belly.
    • Place pork belly into a plastic bag with excess marinade and vacuum seal.
    • Sous vide at 60˚C for 18 hours
    • Once cooked, remove from plastic. Place into a tray, cover and weigh down to compress the pork.
    • Cut the pork into a 150g portion, score and place in the oven to roast for 15 minutes at 220˚C
  2. Cauliflower Puree:

    • Boil cauliflower florets Strain and blend in Thermomix with cream until desired texture is that of a puree.
  3. Apples and Butternut:

    • Squeeze the lemon juice over the sliced apple so they do not discolour.
    • In a roasting tray, place the butternut and season with the spices.
    • Bake in the oven for approximately 12-15 minutes until cooked yet firm.
  4. Honey Glazed Parma Ham:

    • Place Parma ham between 2 sheets of greaseproof paper and weigh down.
    • Place in oven for 15 minutes at 180˚C.
    • Remove from oven, drizzle with honey, continue to roast uncovered for 5 minutes.
    • Remove off greaseproof paper, set aside.
  5. Mange Tout:

    • Blanch mange tout peas in boiling water with bicarb for 15 seconds, drain and set aside.